How To Do Risk Assessment For Lightning Protection System?

Sunday 1st October 2023

Every year, lightning strikes make us lose billions of pounds in property damage. This cost doesn't even factor in the downtime businesses face due to lightning-related damages. In fact, insurance companies now demand modern lightning protection systems for commercial buildings, industrial sites, government structures, and…

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The Basics Of A Lightning Protection: How Does A Lightning Conductor Work

Tuesday 23rd May 2023

A Lightning Protection System can protect you and your commercial or private properties from the effects of a lightning strike. You can set up lightning protection systems in your buildings through a Lightning Protection Company, which will also regularly perform Lightning Protection Testing to guarantee everything is in order.…

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Roof-top Lightning Protection Systems: Comprehensive Guide

Tuesday 23rd May 2023

Every year millions of pounds worth of damage is done to buildings and other structures, despite the apparent rarity of lightning strikes. This makes a compelling…

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Services For Schools

Thursday 12th August 2021
Services For Schools

SWLP is pleased to have been recently approved for inclusion in the Education Hub providing Lightning Protection , & Roof Safety Systems testing,…

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Telecom Sites

Sunday 2nd June 2019

SWLP are currently installing new Lightning protection systems for O2 & Vodafone throughout the UK, and additionally providing test and repair services for the major mobile operators

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